Artists Chris Williamson


Chris Williamson

His paintings feature a gaunt owner and his faithful Jack Russell (Barton Darcy). All the paintings come with humorous 'ditties'. Small four line poems about the world as the dog sees it. 'These began around ten years ago. I would think of a title and annotate the sketches. It just evolved really. I like to give people a grin if possible.'

Chris grew up with an interest in cartooning and sites artists such as Paul Sample, Gray Jolliffe and Ralph Steadman as having an early influence.

He has been interested in drawing for most of his life and always keeps sketchbooks. Some of the sketches become paintings.

Having exhibited in Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and London, his work has been published as greeting cards and prints.

Chris is proud to be represented by the Southwold Gallery.

'A charming gallery and sea

It doesn't get much better

The wind is blowing up

I'd better pack a sweater'

Chris Williamson

Southwold Gallery

Or visit us at 64a High Street, Southwold, Suffolk. IP18 6DN. Open daily 10am - 5pm (including Sundays and Bank Holidays)

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